#26 – The Biggest Risk Of All With George Jerjian

Albert Einstein once said, “Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” George Jerjian gave it a shot. What he noticed was that nothing in nature retires. Polar Bears don’t leave with severance packages, and Komodo Dragons don’t get a gold watch or cake in the office kitchen. Wildlife is typically either growing or dying. In […]

#25 – Ending Ageism With Friendly Vibes: Jan Golden

Think about the last time you bought a birthday card. You were probably in a hurry, maybe even running late for the party you needed the card for. You scanned the racks, noticing that cards now cost more than the gift. But even more than that was the overwhelming bombardment of “over-the-hill” birthday themes: sagging […]

#24 – Uncork Your Bottle of Happiness With Steve Hoffman

The Happiest Retirees Podcast: Ready for Launch

My conversation with Steve Hoffman was deep and engaging, largely due to his eloquence and profound self-reflection. Steve is a Minnesota tax preparer and a French-loving food & wine writer. His writing has garnered significant recognition, winning multiple awards, including the prestigious 2019 James Beard M.F.K. Fisher Distinguished Writing Award. His work has been featured in Food & Wine, The Washington […]

#23 – It’s Your Life: Live It! Beyond Retirement with Jacquie Doucette

The Happiest Retirees Podcast: Ready for Launch

As Americans, we tend to believe our jobs define us. Think about that last time you met someone new. What’s the first thing you asked? “So what do you do?” How we make a living is so ingrained in our self-worth recipe that we often neglect the other ingredients. Jacquie Doucette wants to change all that. […]

#22 -Embracing the Beauty of Aging With Hugh Willard

The Happiest Retirees Podcast: Ready for Launch

After a successful 35-year career as a psychotherapist, Hugh Willard decided to embark on a new journey as a writer. Currently pursuing his Master’s Degree in Creative Nonfiction, he authored a book and hosts a podcast about finding beauty in the gray. I have more gray hair than I used to, and sometimes, I feel insecure about it. But […]

#21 – Recession Blues to Ecuadorian Views: Edd and Cynthia’s Retirement Adventure

The Happiest Retirees Podcast: Ready for Launch

Edd and Cynthia Staton were on track for a happy retirement, but life had other plans. The Great Recession killed their careers, home value, and savings. Instead of throwing in the towel, they devised an outside-the-box solution: moving to Cuenca, Ecuador. Initially, they were banking on the lower cost of living to make ends meet. Today, their story […]

#19 – Revisiting Multiple Streams of Talent with Phil Hendrie

The Happiest Retirees Podcast: Ready for Launch

*In the new documentary “Hendrie,” some real heavy hitters, like Bill Hader, Judd Apatow, and Kevin Pollak, all discuss their admiration for Phil’s unique and hilarious creativity. So, we decided this was the perfect time to reintroduce you to the interview he did for our show.* Phil Hendrie is not retired, not even a little […]

#18 – Smokin’ Hot Community Service with Craig Miller

The Happiest Retirees Podcast: Ready for Launch

At nearly 70 years old, my guest, Craig Miller, is one of the oldest firefighters in the world. He doesn’t get paid for it, and he wasn’t even sure he wanted to do it, but the question that gnawed at him was, “If not me, who?” In 2023, he shared a startling statistic: “Volunteers comprise […]