Six Lessons Learned On The Happiest Retirees Podcast

It’s been six months since we launched the Happiest Retirees podcast. As the title might suggest, the mission was to find the world’s happiest retirees and ask them how they got so happy. The hope was that if we extracted the answers from the people who had them, we might be able to help others follow suit.

Lessons from The Psychology of Money: Part One

Morgan Housel’s The Psychology of Money sold millions of copies, and for good reason. Published in 2020, its astute money lessons catapulted it to instantly timeless status, worthy of praise and analysis, but I took even more inspiration from his psychological lessons. Libraries are full of books on behavioral finance, which seek to identify our […]

The Peach State Tax Update…(In Case You Missed It)

To say that my wife Amanda loves the musical Hamilton would be an understatement. I remember how excited she was when we went to see it live at the Fabulous Fox Theatre six years ago. My favorite part, aside from seeing how enraptured Amanda was throughout the entire performance, was the first song of the second act, Thomas Jefferson’s, “What’d I Miss.”

Five Money Secrets Of The Happiest Retirees

Securing retirement happiness often requires fighting against financial tunnel vision. Having enough in the bank is the starting point, not the finish line. That said, you can’t win the race without starting it. Money doesn’t generate automatic happiness, but living your best life without it often proves challenging. Learning the Five Money Secrets Of The Happiest […]

Maximizing Your Social Security With Mary Beth Franklin: Part One

Social Security is an absolutely crucial element of many retirement plans across the United States. Understandably, people want to know how to maximize their earnings, but wading through the dense rules and regulations can be overwhelming. I wanted to cut through the red tape and get some straight answers, so I brought in a ringer.

What Retirees Need To Know About The Hidden Power Of Dividends

Dividends are a way for companies to return a portion of their profits to shareholders. Call it a cash reward for being an investor—each allotment is often paid out as small amounts per share. I like to explain the concept by sharing a story about my 8-year-old son. One day, he noticed a dollar coin on […]

How To Use Nick Saban’s Football Process For Retirement Planning

Nick Saban, one of the most storied and successful coaches in the history of college football, recently retired. His career took him from the University of Toledo to the Cleveland Browns to Michigan State, and then to LSU, where he won his first national championship. After a brief stint with the Miami Dolphins, he landed […]

What An S&P 500 All-Time High Could Mean For Your Investments

The S&P 500 recently notched its first record close in more than two years. After falling more than 25% in 2022, the S&P 500 rose nearly 35% to retake a new all-time high in January 2024. Thus, a new bull market has arrived. What comes next? Should investors sell and head for the hills? Not […]