In previous articles, we’ve discussed the impact that REITs can have on investing. Here are three tips that will give you some guidance if you have ever considered investing in REITs.
Tip 1: Review the various types of REITs to determine which one makes sense for your investment objectives.
From stock REITs to mortgage REITs, there are several options you should review. In a recent interview with Business Insider our Chief Investment Officer, Matt Reiner, shared “Despite their run, REITs remain attractive to income investors. But we warn our clients that funds using stock REITs are very different animals than those buying mortgages. Compared to Treasuries, mortgage REITs are paying much better yields—and we don’t see that trend reversing soon.”
Tip 2: Seek REITs generating double digit returns
Stock real estate funds have been performing well for about five years now, but real estate investment trusts, or REITs, are doing even better. Instead of buying buildings or land, REITs buy mortgage-backed securities. And in the past year they’ve become a more popular investment. (source: Business Insider)
Tip 3: Meet with an RIA or Fee-Only Advisor to Review Portfolios
If you want to invest in REITs, we recommend that you seek out professional support. Finding an RIA (Registered Investment Advisor) and/or fee-only firm are great options. The financial advisory representatives you work with in these types of firms are not be incentivized by commissions they could earn on trades or investments; rather, their earnings are based on a percentage of your investment portfolio.
If you’d like to get more guidance on how to invest in REITs or if you’d like our team to review your current REIT portfolio, contact us for more details.