Thank you for taking my quiz! See below to learn how you compare to other retirees along with feedback that might help you tune up your money happiness quotient.

Question 1: Now that you are outside of the classroom, do you feel like you have a well-defined
understanding of your purpose in life?

Question 2: How many close social connections (people you would call on a very good and/or very bad day)
do you have? This goes beyond acquaintances you would occasionally chat with in the teachers’

Question 3: How many activities and interests do you absolutely love to pursue? Whether you personally
identified more with the school athletes, the robotics team, the marching band, or maybe the sciences whizzes, retirement means you can really lean into your favorite hobbies and interests.

Question 4: What is the approximate value of your home?

Your Answer: “{What is the approximate value of your home?:5}”


Home prices have gone through the roof over the past several years and in some cases are up over 50% since the pandemic. There’s no need for McMansions here, and adjusting for inflation HROBs (Happiest Retirees on the Block) have an average home price of $585,000.

Question 5: Are you married?

Question 6: How much do you financially support your adult children?

Question 7: How many years until you pay off your mortgage?

Question 8: Pop quiz! How many sources of income do you have in retirement? (Ex. social security, pension, income from investments, rental properties, part-time work, government benefits)

Question 9: How much time a month do you spend discussing your finances and planning for retirement (with a spouse/significant other or advisor)?

Question 10: How much do you (or do you plan to) have saved as a nest egg for retirement?

Question 11: What kind of car do you drive? Spoiler: school bus is no longer an option.

Question 12: Once you transition to an endless summer vacation in retirement, how often do you or will you go on group vacations or travel with friends/couples?

Question 13: After eating an apple a day for all these years, what type of diet do you follow now, if any?

Question 14: Quick math question: do you know how much income you have each month vs. how much you spend each month?

Ready to talk?

Contact Wes and team to schedule a review of your retirement portfolio via Zoom, phone call, or in-person meeting.
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This information is provided to you as a resource for informational purposes only and should not be viewed as investment advice or recommendations. This information is being presented without consideration of the investment objectives, risk tolerance, or financial circumstances of any specific investor and might not be suitable for all investors. This information is not intended to, and should not, form a primary basis for any investment decision that you may make. Always consult your own legal, tax, or investment advisor before making any investment/tax/estate/financial planning considerations or decisions. Data for this quiz and the book, You Can Retire Sooner Than You Think, was gathered through a nation-wide survey of roughly 1,350 retirees.