For a retirement income portfolio with moderate risk, what are good products to invest in?
Generally speaking we often recommend Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) over Mutual Funds to track favored sectors of the market through a diversified index of securities without paying for active management. ETFs and individual equities and bonds all carry either no fees or very low fees. If you are retired and looking for income, then saving […]
Is there any way to make 3% annual income on $200,000 and still protect the principle? Or is this just impossible? I am retired and would like a bit more income each year.
There is a way to make close to 3% by buying the 10-year treasuries now that are trading around 2.85%. They are a risk-free debt instrument of the Federal Government and generally are state tax-free. In theory, as long as you hold them to maturity there is no risk to principal. Hopefully, this helps explain […]